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Christian Family Program

The girls we serve are, for a variety of reasons, in need of an alternate home environment. This may be due to neglect, abuse, poor peer influences, absence of parental figures, or some other fracture in the parent-child relationship. Carpenter Place is able to treat each child and each family situation uniquely. The programs we have in place provide the support and encouragement needed to overcome the challenges these girls face.

We are a private-placement, long-term residential care setting where Christian house-parents set guidelines, provide structure, and show love and respect for each other and the children in their care to instill values that will lead them towards emotional, social, and spiritual maturity. 


Girls live in one of our three "cottages," which provide a typical family living environment. Each house is staffed by a married couple serving as house parents. These parents model positive Christian behaviors within the home and provide the stable structure needed to encourage growth and development in order to overcome challenging life situations.


Carpenter Place utilizes the Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI®) model when interacting with children in our care. As described on the website for TBRI®: it is an attachment-based, trauma-informed intervention that is designed to meet the complex needs of vulnerable children. TBRI® uses Empowering Principles to address physical needs, Connecting Principles for attachment needs, and Correcting Principles to disarm fear-based behaviors. While the intervention is based on years of attachment, sensory processing, and neuroscience research, the heartbeat of TBRI® is connection.

Through our Christian Family Program, our goal is to provide the following to the child/family while in our care: 

  • A biblical approach to connecting, correcting, and empowering deeply hurting children

  • A therapeutic environment conducive for healing

  • A model of appropriate social skills and daily living habits

  • A unique, whole-family approach requiring the family to commit to working
    with their child while in our care

  • Trust-Based Relational Intervention training as it pertains to a family's relationship
    with their child, and the environment they are working to improve for the goal
    of reunification

  • Direct family communication by our staff

  • Facilitation of family meetings/visitations

Christian Family Program Process Chart.p
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